Friday, August 13, 2010

Big Kids Read

I woke up this morning and had a flash back to fourth grade. Mrs. Ryan was my fourth grade teacher and she changed my life.

When I was little I had a hearing problem. I honestly don't remember much about it other than I had to have surgery and wear ear plugs whenever I was in water. No one even noticed it until I was far behind in reading. I was REALLY good at reading lips, but that didn't help me when it came time for reading the printed word.
I had a wonderful tutor named Miss Helen but I HATED reading. My parents tried everything under the sun. They bribed me, threatened and begged but no matter what they did nothing worked. My future looked bleak as I started fourth grade and was still reading books that read "Watch Sam chase his ball. He loves chasing his ball."

Mrs. Ryan changed my life on the first day of class. She sat us down and told us all that "Big kids read. Big kids always have a book with them and they read everywhere. They read in the car, in the bath, at school and wherever they can. You are in fourth grade now, you are big kids and you will read all the time in my class and out of it." That simple little speech altered my life.

 When I got home from school that day I dove into the bookshelves in my parents office and dug out The Little House on The Prairie series that some loving family member had given me a few years before. That same night I started reading and never stopped.

Thanks to Mrs. Ryan I always have a least one book in my car, another in my bag and there is usually one hidden under my pillows. I read in the bath, on breaks at work, and whenever I can snag a minute for it. Saying that I love to read is a massive understatement. Reading has enriched my life in such a beautiful way, I am so grateful to all of the people who helped push my stubborn butt to read. Thank you!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

My Best Friend

I love my Mom. She is amazing, beautiful, loving and a fun person to be around. She is the kind of person that I want to be when I grow up. But I have to admit that I take her for granted on a daily basis. I don't often give her the credit that she deserves.
I owe my mother for so much. The list is far to long to ever write down. But there are a few essentials that I must say. She made me. That alone deserves eternal gratitude. But she also gave me a wonderful home, lots of love and has nurtured all of my dreams. She is my best friend and confidant.
The other day I was talking to a co-worker who was telling me that her mother is going through a rough time and may have to move in with her. She was plotting ways to keep her out of her home and complaining about what a pain it would be if she moved in. She was also saying how she didn't want to deal with her mothers baggage. This made me terribly sad. It got me thinking about my relationship with my mom and what I would do for her. She has always been my rock and guiding light but what if one day she needs me? What could I do to help her? Could she ever need too much? The answer is no. There is nothing that I wouldn't do for her. Even if I was living under a bridge in a cardboard box she could live with me and have the only blanket.
 I am so blessed to have my mother, this wonderful vivacious woman who loves me. I would do anything for her because I know that she has already done everything for me. Thank you Mom, for everything you've done. I love you.

Monday, August 9, 2010

More to Love

   It is my personal belief that everything happens for a reason. Even though we may never know why things happen we are very lucky that they do. Meet Blossom, we adopted her this week from the human society. She is a sweet six year old pug whose elderly owner could no longer take care of her. She walked through the door at work (I work at a dog grooming salon and we do free grooms for homeless dogs) and it was love at first sight. She came home with me just three days later and is getting along famously with our huge crew here. She is a top rate snuggler, terrific snorer, and an epic kisser. As my mother says "We needed another dog like a fish needs a bicycle," and while this may be true about DOGS Blossom is NOT a dog she is a beautiful pug and we both needed each other.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Baby Steps

This is my first time ever blogging, so please be patient with me!
My name is Rachel Page Conner. I am 21, short, with big, curly purple hair. I love dogs a lot. We have WAY to many which currently means five. I live in a meadow hugged cottage with my wonderful parents. No matter how many times I leave I always end up back home. And you know what? I love it! Coming home is one of my favorite things.
What makes coming home wonderful is that I appreciate it so much more after being away. I love to travel and I have been lucky enough to see some beautiful places; Mexico, England, Scotland, Italy and India. My Goal in life is to travel as much as possible.
Right now is a great time of new beginnings for me. This one for a start and I am also attempting to start a website. So best of luck to everyone with all their new things!